National Trust price hike backlash begins

Waddesdon Manor in Buckinghamshire. Many pensioners are furious at National Trust price rises
Waddesdon Manor in Buckinghamshire. Many pensioners are furious at National Trust price rises

My wife and I renewed our joint senior membership on April 8 at £78 a year. We were appalled to read in your article that we have had an increase of 28% over the past five years, compared with only 19% for the joint adult rate (“Some senior cash cows may refuse to be milked”, last week). This is unacceptable. We had assumed that as over-65s we had an advantage by applying for senior membership, compared with those still generally employed and earning. I have now sent an email to National Trust cancelling my membership and asking it to return our £78 subscription for 2016-17.
by email

I WAS not impressed by the National Trust’s argument that the senior discount represented lost income. Nonsense!