New Congo leader to free political prisoners

Outgoing president Joseph Kabila, left, shakes hands with his successor, Felix Tshisekedi, at his inauguration ceremony in Kinshasa
Outgoing president Joseph Kabila, left, shakes hands with his successor, Felix Tshisekedi, at his inauguration ceremony in Kinshasa

Kinshasha The Democratic Republic of Congo’s new president used his inauguration to say he would free all political prisoners. Felix Tshisekedi, 55, succeeds Joseph Kabila in the first peaceful transfer of power since independence in 1960. The election is disputed and only one African leader, President Kenyatta of Kenya, attended the swearing in. Mr Tshisekedi called for reconciliation and paid tribute to his late father, Etienne, who lost a contentious election in 2011 to Mr Kabila, who had ruled from 2001 and hung on during two years of election delays. The government is dominated by members of his coalition. (AP)

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