Okonomiyaki pancakes topped with fish and chips for G7 leaders in Hiroshima

The Japanese favourite is being given an international twist for the global summit
Okonomiyaki, a type of Japanese savoury pancake, are normally garnished with dried seaweed, cabbage, shrimp, pickled ginger, Japanese mayonnaise and a sweet and savoury sauce
Okonomiyaki, a type of Japanese savoury pancake, are normally garnished with dried seaweed, cabbage, shrimp, pickled ginger, Japanese mayonnaise and a sweet and savoury sauce

Japanese chefs are putting an international spin on their traditional okonomiyaki savoury pancakes for the G7 summit this weekend, with new toppings including carbonara, sauerkraut and fish and chips.

Okonomiyaki, which means “grilled as you like”, are made from a batter of wheat flour, eggs and water cooked on a teppanyaki griddle.

The pancakes are garnished with dried seaweed, cabbage, shrimp, pickled ginger, Japanese mayonnaise and a sweet and savoury sauce similar to Worcestershire sauce. A popular comfort food in Japan, okonomiyaki are often cooked on large griddles for groups of people and are popular served with a cold beer.

Fumio Kishida, the Japanese prime minister, will host G7 leaders in his electoral district in Hiroshima from May 19-21.

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