Paternoster Chophouse

I began enjoying myself, it is not every day you get a bona fide snooty parisian serving you

Warwick Court, Paternoster Square, EC4 (020-7029 9400)

I hate impending elections. I was enjoying a particularly fawning e-mail from a reader called Melanie McLean the other day (“devoted reader of your various columns… highly entertaining and extremely well written…“) and thinking to myself, “Bring it on, baby, that’s how I like it”, when I was brought up short by the words, “at this point I should declare a bias – I’m the Conservative candidate for Islington South and Finsbury…” Talk about a conversation killer. But all right luv, what do you want? “I am constantly impressed by the choice, quality and excellent service of the restaurants I visit… difficult to single one out to recommend… happy to take you on a mini tour of the