Pedro Sánchez condemns sexist ritual at elite Spanish college

Pedro Sánchez, the Spanish prime minister, called the behaviour of the male students “painful”
Pedro Sánchez, the Spanish prime minister, called the behaviour of the male students “painful”

Spain’s prime minister called for an end to “machismo” at an elite university after a video emerged showing dozens of male students from a Catholic college taking part in a ritual involving shouting “nymphomaniac whores” at women.

The video starts with a student chanting at night out of the window of his all-male residence block towards an all-female one opposite: “Whores, come out of your burrows like rabbits, you are f***ing nymphomaniacs, I promise you will all f*** at the capea [a play bullfight that was planned for the students].”

Then the shutters of about 50 windows of the building spring open, revealing dozens of his fellow students who applaud, make animal grunting noises and shouting: “Come on Ahuja!” the name of their college. The