Play mystic for me

Is there anybody out there? Yes, swarms of trainee psychics. Katie Glass finds out how to get in touch with the other side

I am sitting in front of a woman I’ll call Avril and I am about to read her mind. In Stansted, the least mystical place in the world, I am training to become a professional psychic. I know what you’re thinking — I would, that’s part of the course...

These days being a psychic, or medium, as they are more accurately called, is a gift in more ways than one. Psychics are building business empires from speaking to the dead. Glossy psychic magazines sell at £3 a pop. There are psychic shows on prime-time television, dedicated psychic satellite channels, psychic cruises, psychic hotlines (£2.50 a minute). Psychic celebrities such as Sally Morgan, Colin Fry, Derek Acorah and TJ Higgs sell out 1,000-plus seater venues for