PM holds legislation threat over press if it fails to meet Leveson demands

Dominic Mohan, Editor of The Sun, arrives at No 10 Downing Street
Dominic Mohan, Editor of The Sun, arrives at No 10 Downing Street

David Cameron has told newspaper editors that they face legislation if they fail to agree on an acceptable form of self-regulation for the press.

The Prime Minister told a meeting of 19 editors and industry representatives in Downing Street yesterday that “the clock is ticking” for the industry to agree a system that “absolutely meets the requirement of Lord Justice Leveson’s report”. Mr Cameron repeated that he had “serious concerns and misgivings” about resorting to any form of statutory underpinning for press regulation. But for the first time he issued a clear threat that he would legislate if the industry failed to reform itself.

The editors agreed to respond within two days and are to meet at a “neutral location” in Central London today.
