Police launch ‘Stop it’ campaign on rape

Malcolm Graham, of Police Scotland, said that the message being sent was that “sex without consent is rape”
Malcolm Graham, of Police Scotland, said that the message being sent was that “sex without consent is rape”

Police Scotland will launch a campaign today aimed at deterring rape and changing perceptions about the crime.

Its We can stop it campaign also hopes to help victims of sexual assault.

Malcolm Graham, Assistant Chief Constable, said: “Changes in the law meant that the definition of rape widened — the clear message being that sex without consent is rape.” He said the force was seeing more rape cases reported, many of which were historical, with a third reported more than a year after the attack. He added: “One third take place in a domestic setting. More than 90 per cent are by someone known to the victim. One in six takes place while the victim is asleep.”

The campaign will feature posters, adverts and social