Pro skydiver who fell in love from 12,000ft

Uli and Rob met in Dubai in 2013 when Uli was on holiday visiting friends
Uli and Rob met in Dubai in 2013 when Uli was on holiday visiting friends

Meeting a partner’s parents for the first time is usually a well-planned event, especially if they live in a different country. Not for Rob. Having injured himself paragliding in Austria, he ended up recuperating at Uli’s parents’ house in Germany for a week. “Uli’s family immediately made me feel welcome and cared for me,” says Rob, who had known Uli for only three months.

He arrived with a broken ankle, having undergone surgery after the paragliding accident in which his wing had collapsed 60ft in the air. He had landed in a pinewood forest, “breaking branches all the way to the ground”.

Uli and Rob met in Dubai in 2013. German-born Uli was on holiday visiting friends. Rob works in Dubai as a professional skydiver.