Prospect of gold takes the shine off village life in Spain

Ecologists say modern mining methods could wreak lasting damage on the countryside
Ecologists say modern mining methods could wreak lasting damage on the countryside

The fading sign at the head of the old mine warns off amateur prospectors, but a new Spanish gold rush is proving an irresistible lure in a village desperate for work.

Over a hundred years after British goldminers left, a Canadian company is hoping to reopen the old mine in Cabana de Bergantiños and is dangling the prospect of 1,270 jobs.

For some of the 5,000 inhabitants of the village on the rugged northwest Coast of Death, the prospect of work is more of a temptation than the ore lying under the earth. But ecologists insist that all that glisters is not gold. They say that modern mining methods could wreak lasting damage on the countryside.

The issue has turned neighbour against neighbour in the