
Pushy, ambitious Simon Harris means it’s showtime for Fine Gael

Many of his colleagues see the higher education minister as ‘a bit too Fianna Fail’, yet they trust he will put his boundless energy into promoting the party

The Sunday Times

It is interesting to think that when a significant number of his Fine Gael colleagues vote for the man almost guaranteed to be the next taoiseach, they will do so while holding their nose.

Simon Harris would not be top of too many Blueshirt lists in terms of someone to meet for a pint. Yet this is who they are backing to lead their party into the next general election. That does not mean they do not believe he won’t do good things for the party, that he doesn’t have boundless energy, that he isn’t shrewd. Just that some of them are a bit sniffy about him.

As far as the more refined Fine Gaelers are concerned, he’s been a bit too ruthlessly ambitious. Too