
Quentin Letts: 60 years on and the Speaker still can’t hear a thing

The Times

Sir Lindsay Hoyle observed that it was the 60th anniversary of PMQs. On July 18, 1961, his predecessor Harry Hylton-Foster confirmed that Harold Macmillan would place himself “in the service of this House” and was “willing to try this experiment”.

Hansard shows that Macmillan was succinct, many of his answers merely one or two nonchalant sentences. In 15 minutes he took questions from about 20 backbenchers, including a grumble about German submarine troops being trained at Rosyth dockyard. The effect of European Common Market membership on relations with Cyprus was raised — the Northern Irish protocol of its day. The leader of the opposition, Hugh Gaitskell, had two brief bites.

Sir Cyril Osborne (C, Louth) became confused and missed his moment. MPs were making so