Rathmines co-living development gets An Bord Pleanála approval despite residents’ complaints

The co-living units will be built on 143-149 Rathmines Road
The co-living units will be built on 143-149 Rathmines Road

A decision to grant planning permission for a co-living development in Dublin has been upheld by the planning board despite complaints by local residents.

In February, Dublin city council granted planning permission to Blondie Issuer Dac for 97 co-living units on 143-149 Rathmines Road. The original planning application had been for 110 units, but this was reduced to 97 as a condition for the planning permission by the council.

The decision was appealed against by locals. Rathmines Initiative, one of the groups to appeal against the decision, had said that “co-living units “are the bedsits of our times”.

The decision to reduce the number of units was also appealed against by Manahan Planners, the company that designed the building for Blondie Issuer Dac.
