Relief on the way for FAI after vote allows for cash transfusion

John Delaney resigned as chief executive of the FAI a month after it was revealed he had loaned €100,000 to the association amid financial turmoil
John Delaney resigned as chief executive of the FAI a month after it was revealed he had loaned €100,000 to the association amid financial turmoil

Irish football’s governing body is in line for €32 million of government support after members voted through reforms at an emergency meeting last night.

State funding to the Football Association of Ireland (FAI) has been suspended since it became embroiled in a governance and financial crisis in April last year.

It followed revelations a month earlier in The Sunday Times that John Delaney, then chief executive, had given his employer a €100,000 bridging loan in 2017.

Mr Delaney provided the money without the knowledge of the majority of his fellow directors, including the treasurer, Eddie Murray.

Sports Ireland froze all grants upon learning of the transaction in the media, saying that the FAI’s failure to notify the agency of its financial difficulties breached their conditions.