Roast chicken legs with garlic, red onions and lemons

Serves 8

This is so simple – just toss the chicken pieces and some vegetables with plenty of olive oil and seasoning and then stick them in the oven to roast while you get on with the side dishes.

8 corn-fed chicken legs, ?preferably free-range

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

1 head of garlic

8 small red onions

4 lemons

500g baby waxy potatoes, scrubbed well

Few sprigs of thyme ?and rosemary

Olive oil, to drizzle

1 Preheat the oven to 220C/Gas 7. Halve the chicken legs to separate the thighs and drumsticks. Rub salt and pepper all over the chicken pieces and divide between two roasting tins.

2 Separate the garlic into individual cloves, leaving them in their skins, and scatter them