Salt substitutes linked to lower risk of heart attack

The mineral is a vital part of the human diet, but too much can raise blood pressure
Low-sodium substitutes were found to lower blood pressure and rates of heart disease
Low-sodium substitutes were found to lower blood pressure and rates of heart disease

Switching table salt for healthier low-sodium alternatives can cut the risk of dying of heart attacks, a study has found.

Researchers pooled data from clinical trials around the world involving 30,000 people to see whether using salt substitutes had benefits for heart health. Participants were divided into two groups and given either salt or a salt substitute to add to their food. It found that salt substitutes lowered blood pressure and rates of heart disease. This was applicable regardless of age, sex or weight.

Five of these trials followed 24,000 participants for up to five years and showed that using salt substitutes lowered the risk of early death from heart disease by 13 per cent and cut the risk of heart attack or stroke by