Scottish police are tracking pockets of extremists

Police are wary because several Scots have previously left the country to join jihadists
Police are wary because several Scots have previously left the country to join jihadists

Police are actively tracking Islamic ­extremists north of the border, the head of Scotland’s anti-terrorist squad has revealed.

Assistant Chief Constable Ruaraidh Nicolson said that his officers were keeping close watch on pockets of suspects feared to be planning terrorist attacks in Scotland.

Mr Nicolson was speaking after terrorists linked to Islamic State detonated suicide bombs in Brussels that killed 31 people.

He said that a similar attack could happen anywhere but added that the community engagement approach ­employed by his officers meant that the risk was less likely in Scotland.

Despite this, several young Scots have been radicalised by Islamic extremists. Mohammed Atif Siddique, of Alva, Clackmannanshire, was jailed for eight years for terrorist offences in 2007. Aqsa Mahmood, a Glasgow ­student, became known