Sex traffickers jailed over Glasgow and Edinburgh brothels

Two men and a woman sentenced to more than 20 years in prison combined for ‘ruthlessly exploiting vulnerable women’ from east Asia
Guolei Huang, left, was jailed for acting as a minder for brothels at three flats in Scotland. Qin Huang was jailed for “aiding and abetting of prostitution”
Guolei Huang, left, was jailed for acting as a minder for brothels at three flats in Scotland. Qin Huang was jailed for “aiding and abetting of prostitution”

Three people have been jailed for more than 20 years combined for human trafficking and running brothels in flats rented in Glasgow and Edinburgh.

Xiao Min, 38, Qin Huang, 31, Guolei Huang, 35, were captured as part of Operation Fasthold, a joint Police Scotland and Home Office investigation.

Young women, mainly from east Asia, were exploited by a sophisticated crime gang to provide sexual services in Glasgow, Edinburgh and throughout the UK.

Min was jailed for eight and a half years after earlier pleading guilty to a charge under the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act which included the “aiding and abetting of prostitution”. Qin Huang was sentenced to eight years after she admitted to the same crime.

The charges spanned from December 2018 to