SkyEurope – are you covered?

News in brief: you shouldget a refund if you paid with a credit card in a transaction valued at more than £100

Scream if you want to go faster

At last there's hope for children with scaredy-cat parents who would rather watch the bags than take a thrill ride at a theme park - Chessington World of Adventures has announced the appointment of a hypnotherapist to deal with rollercoaster-phobics. Stephen Rigby will be on site on October 9 to relieve parents of their fears and kids of their embarrassment, and if successful, could become a regular fixture. To nominate your yellow-bellied parent for a session with Rigby, visit

SkyEurope - are you covered?

Passengers left in the lurch by last week's collapse of no-frills carrier SkyEurope should be able to obtain a refund if they paid for the ticket with a credit card in a