Small businesses want vouchers to ease EU transition

Smaller companies fear chaos at the country’s borders when the UK finally breaks away from the European Union at the end of the year if no deal or inadequate measures have been agreed
Smaller companies fear chaos at the country’s borders when the UK finally breaks away from the European Union at the end of the year if no deal or inadequate measures have been agreed

Small businesses are calling on the government to provide “transition vouchers” to help to prepare for the end of the Brexit transition period.

Mike Cherry, chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses, warned that small companies still suffering from the pandemic would struggle to cope with the changes. He urged the government to offer financial assistance that could be spent on preparations.

Britain left the European Union at the end of January, but it agreed an 11-month transition period during which it remains subject to EU rules and part of the single market and the customs union.

This was designed to allow time to negotiate a new trade deal, but fears are rising that a deal will not be agreed before the transition ends