Spain launches app to show if men shirk housework

Ángela Rodríguez, from Spain’s ministry of equality, wants “co-responsibility” in the home for men and women
Ángela Rodríguez, from Spain’s ministry of equality, wants “co-responsibility” in the home for men and women

Spain has announced plans to introduce an app that promises to address the gender imbalance of housework by getting users to log the hours they spend on chores.

Ángela Rodríguez, second-in-command in Spain’s ministry of equality, announced that the department was in the process of developing a free app that will enable men and women will be able to log the number of hours they spend on housework. “We women spend more time on domestic tasks than men,” Rodriguez said, speaking in Geneva at a convention for the committee on the elimination of discrimination against women, where she was presenting a report on women’s rights in Spain.

Almost half of the women questioned in a survey by Spain’s National Statistics Institute said that they undertook