Spinal column: stubborn streaks

‘You realise that, beyond a certain point, doctors can’t really help. You’re on your own’

Melanie Reid broke her neck and back in April 2010. This week, in the wake of her own recent progress, she is celebrating the value of bloody-mindedness.

It would be interesting to total up the number of people who, right now, have neurological damage of some kind. Anyone who’s had a stroke, a head injury, a brain condition, a spinal cord trauma, or suffers from one of the many hateful degenerative illnesses such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s. Or even just sliced the nerves in their finger chopping food, and wishes so hard the feeling would return.

There must be hundreds of thousands of us – millions if you classify chronic back pain or dementia as a neurological problem. And we’re all sitting, as if