Take licences off distracted drivers, urge safety groups

Using a mobile phone at the wheel is one of the most common offences committed by drivers
Using a mobile phone at the wheel is one of the most common offences committed by drivers

Safety campaigners want tougher penalties for people who drive while distracted as figures showed that more than 900 repeat offenders were allowed to keep their licence.

One motorist was caught nine times in four years. The person, who has not been identified, was among 932 British drivers convicted of driving while distracted more than once. Twenty-seven drivers were caught between three and five times; 904 were caught twice and 90,057 were caught once, according to the statistics from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA).

Jason Wakeford, head of campaigns at Brake, the road safety charity, said: “Driving is one of the most dangerous things we do on a daily basis, and requires full concentration to do so safely.

“It is alarming to see repeat