The Queen’s funeral on TV: full marks for letting pictures tell the story

The solemnity of the occasion was matched only by the pomp and ceremony befitting the Queen
The solemnity of the occasion was matched only by the pomp and ceremony befitting the Queen

They must have been weary after the events of the past 11 days but the broadcasters rode out their war horses again to narrate the final furlong of the Queen’s farewell.

After a period in which they had run a Grand National of words, sentiment, facts and repetition, so much so that people were tweeting “Please give Huw Edwards a holiday”, fearing he might keel over from exhaustion, the key anchors of the main channels were rolled out once more to commentate on the funeral.

Whichever channel you chose, the undoubted winner of the coverage was the cinematography. The pooled camera feed meant that, visually at least, the footage was much the same for all broadcasters. And what stunning footage it was, a masterclass in