The story of our lives

Every carefully chosen item in this lovely Cork country home has a tale attached to it. Who are the artisan foodies behind Belvelly Smokehouse?

The kitchen is the beating heart of Frank Hederman and Caroline Workman’s country home at Belvelly, in Co Cork. It’s no surprise either, given the couple own Belvelly Smokehouse, one of the country’s best-known artisan food businesses and a producer of the world-renowned Frank Hederman’s smoked salmon.

Hederman started Belvelly, the first smokehouse in Ireland, 32 years ago, on the grounds of the ramshackle former estate-worker’s cottage. The business has since evolved into an international brand.

His home has evolved, too — especially since he met and married Caroline eight years ago — from a tiny cottage to a casual-classic country residence with views of Cork harbour.

The smokehouse, an unassuming corrugated steel building, is close to the cottage, which was once part of the