
The Times view on Constantine Hatzidakis: One-Nil to Common Sense

The FA’s decision not to sanction the assistant referee is correct

The Times
Constantine Hatzidakis apologised to the Liverpool defender Andrew Robertson after the incident
Constantine Hatzidakis apologised to the Liverpool defender Andrew Robertson after the incident

At half-time in the Liverpool v Arsenal game on Sunday, Constantine Hatzidakis, an assistant referee, was shown on camera appearing to elbow Liverpool’s Andrew Robertson. Robertson reacted angrily, clutching his chin. Hatzidakis was stood down pending a Football Association investigation. Some feared for his future as an elite referee. At the very least, a lengthy ban seemed likely. Sensibly, the FA has concluded no further action is necessary. For which rare outbreak of sound judgment among football’s blazers, much thanks.

To give credit to the men involved, Hatzidakis offered an apology which Robertson accepted. Perhaps, away from the intense Anfield atmosphere, the defender reflected that, given that he had tugged the official’s shirt from behind, the reaction was understandable. The assistant ref did not intend