
The Times view on Shamima Begum’s right to citizenship: Limbo Justice

Stripping a jihadist bride of her British passport is an unworthy populist gesture

The Times

The chief task of the home secretary is to keep the public safe. Sajid Javid has decided to answer the call of duty by stripping a former supporter of the Islamic State terrorist group, Shamima Begum, of her British citizenship.

The action, however, does the minister no credit: it marks out Britain as a country that would prefer to condemn a woman to limbo than face uncomfortable truths about the creeping radicalisation of its youth. British jihadists are a British problem; failing to acknowledge this reality does not make the country more secure.

When she was interviewed by The Times in a transit camp last week Ms Begum expressed a wish to return to her family in London. She had been part of a group