Things to do in Houston before your trial

The NatWest Three tell our correspondent in Houston that the harshest part of their bail is not the ankle tags, but being far away from their loved ones in Britain

GARY MULGREW plonked a leg on the table and pulled up his trouser to reveal the black electronic bracelet locked around his ankle. Then he produced the bulky black telephone to which the bracelet “speaks” and let forth a tirade against his modern-day ball and chain.

“It’s humiliating,” he said. Only paedophiles and other dangerous criminals are normally forced to wear such devices. “Why don’t they just put a big sign on me saying, ‘I’m on bail’?”

Mr Mulgrew is one of the NatWest Three, who were extradited from Britain to Houston in July, and one of the conditions on which he, David Bermingham and Giles Darby were spared imprisonment while awaiting trial next September is that they be monitored electronically to ensure that they