Time for Max Deegan to live up to the hype

Deegan scored two tries but still has work to do to claim a regular spot
Deegan scored two tries but still has work to do to claim a regular spot

Leo Cullen likes to say of games during this time of the year that it’s an opportunity for players to capture his attention.

This chaotic ten-try display in northern Italy will certainly have done that, but whether it is attention of the welcome variety is another question.

Turning a 21-point lead into a two-point lead in the space of eight minutes is quite a task, to do so against the side rock bottom of Conference A is quite another still.

Yet, that is what happened in a hectic first half when Max Deegan, Dave Kearney and Ross Byrne touched down – all three with something to prove in their own way. Three second-half tries, two in the final six minutes, ended any fear of a