Top of the plops: Music tape found after 25 years in sea

Stella Wedell’s tape had been lost for 25 years before she came across it at an art gallery
Stella Wedell’s tape had been lost for 25 years before she came across it at an art gallery

When Stella Wedell saw a mixtape on display at an art gallery in Stockholm it was with a growing sense of déjà vu.

Why, she wondered, did the track listing for the battered cassette found washed up on a beach in the Canary Islands seem so familiar?

The cassette was part of an exhibition by the British artist Mandy Barker entitled Sea of Artefacts, which consisted of flotsam she found on various beaches including Fuerteventura.

Ms Wedell, who is in her late 30s, returned home to Berlin and checked the track listing against a CD from which she had made a mixtape in 1993. It was identical.

She realised that the cassette on show was the one she lost 25 years ago while on