Tory voters switching to Reform pile pressure on Douglas Ross

One in six Tory voters in Scotland intend to forsake the Conservatives but Nigel Farage’s party still has a long way to go in the polls

Anas Sarwar of Labour, Douglas Ross of the Conservatives and John Swinney of the SNP
Anas Sarwar of Labour, Douglas Ross of the Conservatives and John Swinney of the SNP
Kieran Andrews
The Sunday Times

One in six Scottish Conservative voters are switching to Nigel Farage’s Reform Party, heaping further pressure on Douglas Ross’s struggling campaign, a poll has found.

The first research carried out since Ross shocked colleagues by announcing that he will quit as the Tory leader north of the border in the coming weeks put his party on course for its lowest share of the vote at a general election.

Backing for the Scottish Conservatives has dropped two points to 14 per cent, Norstat found, while support for Reform increased by one point to 7 per cent, a record high in Scotland.

This follows Reform last week overtaking the Tories UK-wide for the first time.

It is another blow after more than a week of turmoil that