Twilight actress Kristen Stewart on New Moon

At only 19, Kristen Stewart has already starred alongside Jodie Foster, Sean Penn and Robert De Niro and is the lead in the scarily successful Twilight series

I think she has a much bigger rack than I have." Kristen Stewart is pondering her Twilight action figure - the little plastic doll that represents Bella, her character in the film franchise - while checking the proportions of the bust. "I also think she looks much older than me," she adds, before setting the figure aside. I pick it up and, on closer inspection, the doll does look a little older than its real-life progenitor (as to the "rack", closer inspection would be inappropriate). "It's strange," continues the 19-year-old actress, "but people often think I'm a little bit older than I really am. A French journalist asked me earlier on how my teenage years had affected my later life. I'm still in my teens."