Two great attacks

The central feature of the day’s successes was the capture of Langemarck and the positions half a mile east of the village
Times Britain at War.
Times Britain at War.

In the last forty-eight hours two great and successful attacks have been delivered by the British forces on the Western front. At dawn on Wednesday the Canadians advanced on a wide front north of Lens, and carried the famous Hill 70 and the mining suburbs of Cite St Emile, Cite St Laurent, and Cite St Elizabeth. They also destroyed the bulk of the 4th Division of the Prussian Guard while it was making a counter-attack in close formation. Yesterday English and Irish units in Flanders, with the French on their left, attacked on a front which extended from the neighbourhood of the Polygon Wood, east of Ypres, to the border of the flooded area beyond Bixschoote. Much ground was gained, and the British captured the