Unable to save? Blame your primitive brain

Gogglebox personalities Steph and Dom Parker speak to people about pensions at a pub in Islington, London.
Gogglebox personalities Steph and Dom Parker speak to people about pensions at a pub in Islington, London.

A nagging worry keeps popping up at the back of your mind: your pension savings are not up to scratch and you need to sort it out before it is too late. You know you ought to deal with it but instead grasp at any distraction available to put off making a decision. If you recognise yourself, don’t beat yourself up. Like the MP Nigel Mills, who was caught playing the Candy Crush computer game during a House of Commons committee meeting on pensions reform, you are not the only one who struggles to focus on retirement planning.

Blame tens of thousands of years of human development, or lack of it, that have left your brain ill-equipped to focus on your future financial security.
