Visa nightmare turns French school trips off Britain

Head teachers say that since the UK left the EU, Ireland is the preferred choice for language visits abroad
London was popular among teenagers from the Continent
London was popular among teenagers from the Continent

French school trips to the UK have been driven away by the British government with a “Hundred Years’ War” approach since Brexit.

Many heads of French schools say regulations have become so complex and the Home Office so unwelcoming that they are now organising trips to Ireland instead.

They cite two main difficulties since Britain’s divorce from the European Union. The first is the requirement for EU visitors to have a passport in the wake of Brexit. Previously they could enter Britain by showing a national identity card. Given that many French families do not have passports, not needing them to travel within Europe’s border-free zone, pupils often have to get one to join a school trip to the UK. The cost is €17 for