Ways to build your income from property

Wealthy individuals can secure impressive yields by following professional investors into residential property funds

WEALTHY individuals can secure impressive yields by following professional investors into property funds.

Fund managers M&G and Legal & General have led a recent charge into student accommodation, contributing almost half the £800m invested in the sector in the first half of the year, according to CBRE, the property consultancy.

Investors will also have the chance to put a regulated, pure residential property fund in their pension and Isa for the first time next month when Hearthstone Investments launches its fund.

Meanwhile, Rockpool Investments, a private equity network set up this year, has chosen a social housing development on Merseyside as its first investment.

Rockpool is chaired by Nicola Horlick, the high-profile fund manager, who said: “Interest rates are exceptionally low and it looks as