
Weather this storm, America, we need you

Rescue is at hand in its creed of ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’

The Sunday Times

Like everyone else, I’ve been struggling to take in what’s been happening in Houston. No stranger to the disaster movie, I have felt as though I’ve been watching not real life news, but scenes from The Day After Tomorrow — an apocalyptic tale of freak weather pushing society to breaking point.

The statistics and figures are mind-boggling. According to an article in The Washington Post, by August 27 some nine trillion gallons of rain had fallen on Greater Houston and southeast Texas. Weather watchers were estimating the same again would fall before midweek. Some places had seen 50 inches of rain — when 60 inches is regarded as a once-in-a-million-year event. The same article compared the latest disaster to that which befell New Orleans in