Who can fill Parky’s shoes?

Piers Morgan, Kirsty Young . . . a biscuit tin? Times writers nominate the ideal presenter to replace Michael Parkinson

PIERS MORGAN says Andrew Billen

Parkinson, a good writer but not an educated one, once said of a guest that he had “few equals and no peers”. I’d offer a similar befuddled compliment to my nominee, who is actually called Piers. Although his name will always be prefaced by “disgraced ex-editor”, the thing about Morgan is that he, like Parkinson, is a hack. On You Can’t Fire Me, he proved he still knows what questions to ask. On Britain’s Got Talent he demonstrated a contempt for showbiz platitude yet an easiness with showbiz types. He would not, as his memoirs revealed, be afraid to let us know whom he detested. And his conduct at the Mirrorproved he is unembarrassable. And that would a