Who will succeed Warren Buffett, the 88-year-old billionaire philanthropist?

The world’s third richest man is worshipped for his folksy values, investment advice and astonishing largesse. The Sunday Times Money editor, James Coney, attends his firm’s annual bash in Omaha and asks if it will be his last

Buffett passes through the crowd in the shopping hall clutching a Dairy Queen ice cream, one of his cherished brands
Buffett passes through the crowd in the shopping hall clutching a Dairy Queen ice cream, one of his cherished brands
The Sunday Times

Perhaps it is because he is normally so candid, so expressive and lacking in pretension that Warren Buffett is masterful at avoiding certain topics. He’ll chuckle, offer a one-liner, or most often make a self-deprecating quip.

What does he think about China? “They’re doing very well without me.” Free healthcare? “I’m for free cherry Coke.” Or Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos, who is now the world’s richest man, a position once held by Buffett? “I wish he could give me a blood transfusion.”

And there is one question he is particularly adept at evading: what happens next?

How long can the 88-year-old Oracle of Omaha — who turned every $100 invested with him in 1965 into $2.59m, who pledged to give away his £30bn fortune to