Why Donald Trump’s stance on abortion may anger both sides

The former president had a choice: to protect the rights of women, or of ‘the unborn’. Many will think he has done neither

David Charter
The Times

Donald Trump’s attempt to take the sting out of abortion as an election issue risks angering both sides of the debate.

He will please some conservatives by calling this a states’ rights matter. For most Americans, however, this is an issue that demands consistency and federal leadership.

Trump’s problem is that his core Republican supporters want a uniform hard line and Democrats favour a return to the status quo ante under Roe v Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that guaranteed the national right of access. This generally permitted abortion up to the stage when a foetus is considered viable, at about 24 weeks.

Watch Trump’s statement

Trump opened Pandora’s Box by appointing a cadre of conservative judges who carried out his repeated pledge to overthrow Roe and