Word watching answers: December 1, 2006


(c) A herd or collection of saddle-horses kept for remounts. The Spanish word means exchange or replacement. 1907: “In a moment the first of the remuda came into view, trotting forward with the free grace of the unburdened horse.”


(b) Contracted or shrivelled with heat or cold. There is an obscure OE word, clinker, meaning to shrivel. 1582: “He [the North Wind] maketh bodies on earth rough and clinkery with his coldness and dryness.”


(b) A character in a play who gives expression to the author’s message, standpoint or philosophy. French “one who reasons or argues”. Wodehouse, Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves, 1963: “I saw that the time had come to be a raisonneur. ‘Are you sure,’ I said, raisonneuring like nobody’s business,