World Cup live: FA board member backs Capello

Catch up on today’s news from South Africa. Press F5 to refresh the pageClick links for full stories: Support growing to retain Capello ‘Spoilt’ squad blamed for French shame Müller says ‘alpha males’ cost England Drama takes back seat as pushovers learn to defend

5.59pm: Neat line from Tom Humphries, the brilliant Irish Times sports writer, on the England debacle: “The English game is like the Wall Street of two, three years ago: storied, the brand leader at what it does but on the brink of collapse because all its castles are built in the air.” Read the article in full.

5.39pm: Matt Dickinson reports that Messi has skipped training today due to a temperature. “He will surely play though,” our correspondent adds.

5.17pm: Carlos Queiroz, the Portugal coach, is having a difficult time from the press back home but he won’t be quitting. “If the national coach must resign for having lost 1-0 against Spain in the last 16 of the World Cup, there is something that