Wyndham Lloyd-Davies obituary

Old-school urologist who treated actors, royalty and politicians and developed a world-class department at St Thomas’ Hospital
Lloyd-Davies was a key figure in convincing the wider profession to take urology seriously, publishing an “atlas" of nearly every condition one might find in his field
Lloyd-Davies was a key figure in convincing the wider profession to take urology seriously, publishing an “atlas" of nearly every condition one might find in his field

As a young urologist at London’s St Thomas’ hospital in the 1960s, Wyndham Lloyd-Davies arrived at the operating theatre to be told by his superior: “I just thought you’d like to know that you’re about to operate on Sir Laurence Olivier.”

He kept a commendably steady hand, the operation was a success and “Larry” would grace stage and screen for many more years. Lloyd-Davies, meanwhile, would come to be known among his peers as the “urologist to the stars”, not to mention royalty, in this country and overseas, who required a world-class practitioner for the delicate matter of treating their urinary tracts.

He flew to Iran in 1979 to treat members of the ruling Shah’s family, returning to Britain just in time to avoid the