The grandparents guide to giving: property, trusts and Isas

One grandad is hoping to leave his younger relatives a property empire, but not everyone is that lucky. Lucy Alderson looks at the simpler things you could do to help your family

The Sunday Times

Lee Broders has a grand plan to hand a large portfolio of buy-to-let properties over to his three grandchildren when he dies so they can live off the rental income. He has made this plan even though his grandchildren are only six, five and two.

During his lifetime he also intends to give them money to help with important milestones such as weddings, and he will do this by tapping into his stocks and shares and general investments.
But there are conditions on his generosity.

“I wouldn’t give money for anything that would depreciate in value, like a car,” said Broders, 54, who runs a life coaching business. “But I would give them money if they wanted to buy a house and needed a deposit,