Ford Mustang GT Convertible review: the the cheapest way to genuine V8 thrills

It’s as rowdy, fast and noisy as it can be under EU rules

The Sunday Times

The Ford Mustang got off to a rip-roaring start in the Sixties, when it became the fastest-selling car of all time — a record it still holds — before losing its way in the Eighties and for a while becoming another glum American “compact”. In 2015 Ford woke up and had the sense to fit a growly 5.0-litre V8 engine, called the Coyote, and reshape the car to look more like its muscular ancestor. The Mustang got its mojo back and Ford started selling it worldwide, including right-hand drive models in the UK.

Now Ford has updated it again. There are tripled-banked LED headlights to go with the distinctive three-bar tail lights, giving it a racier look. The press release claims there is “a new