I had a baby with my gay best friend — and his partner

Ellie Fazan reached 40 single and fearing she would never have a child — until she asked her friend Eddie if he would be a co-parent via IVF. The only problem? He lives in the Philippines and is in a relationship with Jack

Eddie, Ellie, baby Sid, now one, and Jack at home in east London. “Getting pregnant turned out to be a journey that tested us to the limits”
Eddie, Ellie, baby Sid, now one, and Jack at home in east London. “Getting pregnant turned out to be a journey that tested us to the limits”
The Times

They say it takes a village to raise a child. “A vineyard, more like,” jokes Eddie. He and his partner, Jack, are the fathers of my baby, Sid, and we’re having family lunch for the first time in our new kitchen in east London. Warm bread and crisp rosé are laid out on our recently installed pink and gold flecked terrazzo worktop. Meanwhile, our son has somehow got the lid off a jar of peanut butter and has his little fist inside.

Sid will turn one in a few weeks and we are basking in the joy of our modern family after combining our assets to turn a neglected former council house on the fringes of Hackney into a home. Sid and I have the