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Banking & Saving

Choosing where to keep your money can be a headache, whether you’re putting it away for a rainy day or just looking for a current account.

Our range of guides can help you find the right bank account for you, whether you’re looking for a decent interest-free overdraft, cashback or just great customer service. Some providers will even pay you a cash bonus to switch over your existing current account to them – we’ve the lowdown on the top payers, plus a guide explaining how switching works.

If you’ve got savings, it’s worth regularly checking to see if you could be getting more out of them by earning a higher interest rate. The wide variety of savings accounts can be daunting, and depending on your circumstances one type may be preferable to another.

For instance, if you think you might need to access your cash in the near future, an easy-access or notice savings account might be best. If you’re looking to maximise interest, locking away your cash in a fixed savings account for a set amount of time is likely to be the way to go. Whatever you’re looking for, our guide to the best savings accounts has you covered.

If you have a large amount in savings, you may want to opt for an ISA instead, which lets you avoid paying tax on any interest you earn - check out our guide to the Personal Savings Allowance for more information. Our guides can help you compare the best options, including cash ISAs and lifetime ISAs, which could pay you 25% interest if you’re saving for a first home or retirement.