SNP could be biggest victim of low turnout at general election

Expectations of a big Labour victory and a lack of trust in politics could drive voters away from the ballot box in key seats, say experts

Turnout in Scotland has wildly fluctuated in recent Westminster and Holyrood elections
Turnout in Scotland has wildly fluctuated in recent Westminster and Holyrood elections
The Times

One of the country’s leading political experts has predicted that voter turnout may suffer next week owing to expectations of a large Labour victory and a diminishing trust in politics.

With postal voting well under way, James Mitchell, professor of public policy at Edinburgh University, has also forecast that fewer voters turning out may prove a problem for the SNP.

He added that the nationalists should be concerned about their prospects in the six Glasgow seats the party won at the 2019 general election. The city already has a reputation for low voter participation.

“It will be interesting to see turnout in seats in Glasgow where disillusionment with the SNP may lead to many recent SNP voters just not voting, rather than go [the] full