Picasso works moved to toilet in women’s rights row

The Museum of Old and New Art in Australia has installed the works of art in the lavatory to protest against a discrimination complaint
The Picassos were moved to a ladies lavatory after a complaint about them being hung in a women’s only gallery space
The Picassos were moved to a ladies lavatory after a complaint about them being hung in a women’s only gallery space

Pablo Picasso was of the view that the “purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls”.

The purpose of the hand basins above which his paintings now hang in a women’s lavatory is broadly the same.

It is perhaps fitting, then, that Picasso masterpieces have been installed in the toilet at the Museum of Old and New Art (Mona) in Hobart, Tasmania, as part of a simmering row that has occupied much of the daily life of the museum in recent months.

All the lavatories at the museum were unisex before one was designated a ladies’ and the Picassos moved there
All the lavatories at the museum were unisex before one was designated a ladies’ and the Picassos moved there

The move is part of an attempt to defeat a discrimination complaint by a man who was refused access to a small, women-only gallery, the Ladies Lounge, where the works were first displayed.

Jason Lau took a complaint