Warmer winters may end migration

Willow warblers remain in Europe for increasing amounts of time
Willow warblers remain in Europe for increasing amounts of time

Climate change may end the winter migration of birds from Europe to Africa, researchers have warned.

Many of the most common species of migratory birds including nightingales, willow warblers and yellow wagtails are already spending an extra two months in Europe each migration season.

A study by experts at Durham University published in Global Change Biology has examined 50 years of bird-sighting data from the Gambia and Gibraltar.

Yellow wagtails are another species identified as migrating for shorter amounts of time
Yellow wagtails are another species identified as migrating for shorter amounts of time

It found that by arriving at migration destinations later in the autumn and leaving earlier in the spring, trans-Saharan migratory birds are spending an average of 50-60 more days a year in Europe.

It suggests that migratory birds are able to survive longer in their European breeding grounds, raising the possibility that they may eventually abandon their